❗❗The LLCEO Class is hosting our Experience CEO Shadow Day THIS THURSDAY❗❗
If you are a...
🔸 sophomore or junior
🔸in the Hartsburg-Emden, Mount Pulaski, Olympia, Illini Central or Lincoln school districts
🔸interested in business
🔸want to gain leadership experience, gain confidence in public speaking, build a network and work on soft skills to prepare you for your future
❗❗THEN - Come see what CEO is all about! ❗❗ For more information email the Facilitator at AND see your school counselor for a permission form!
#llceo #logancountyillinois #ll_ceo #miehq #youngentrepreneurs #lincolndailynews

Other News From Around The Same Time

This morning, Chris Graue and John Radloff from Graue Chevrolet welcomed the CEO team and aspiring future CEOs! The students gained insight into the operations of a car dealership and ...

This morning, Chris Graue and John Radloff from Graue Chevrolet welcomed the CEO team and aspiring future CEOs! The students gained insight into the operations of a car dealership and ...

The CEO team met with Neal Stimpert, CEO, and Shellie Reed, Credit Officer, of Atlanta National Bank to discuss small business loans. As a small-town bank, Atlanta National takes pride ...

The CEO team met with Neal Stimpert, CEO, and Shellie Reed, Credit Officer, of Atlanta National Bank to discuss small business loans. As a small-town bank, Atlanta National takes pride ...

Earlier this February, the CEO team had the opportunity to meet with Scott McCoy, the director of the Atlanta Illinois Tourism, to discuss the importance of Route 66. While many ...

Earlier this February, the CEO team had the opportunity to meet with Scott McCoy, the director of the Atlanta Illinois Tourism, to discuss the importance of Route 66. While many ...